So here’s the scoop…

On June 28th, 2012 our dear friend / daughter / sister / granddaughter / niece / cousin / teammate / colleague Emily Bennett Taylor found out that she has a tumor in her lung.  Yes, this is the Emily who is 28 years young, was a college athlete, and has never smoked.  In the days immediately following the news, Emily underwent a battery of tests, scans, pokings, and proddings by a whole array of doctors.  Her husband Miles, normally queasy at the mere thought of blood, sprang into action doing endless research and formulating a game plan for how to beat the tumor, together.  Kevin and Shelley (Emily’s parents) and Rich and Michele (Miles’ parents) flew to LA to be by their side as Emily’s diagnostic work up was being completed.

Emily’s treatment at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center (located about 40 miles east of where they live) is just getting started.  She will be on three different types of chemotherapy starting July 23rd, 2012 and going in every three weeks. After the 3rd treatment they will do another PET scan to see how the chemotherapy is working and tweak the treatment if necessary.  Thanks to some incredible connections, the Chief of Medicine and top oncology and pulmonary specialists are overseeing her care.  Emily has an amazing, determined, positive outlook on the whole situation.  She is ready, without a doubt, to kick this $%!#$@* cancer!!

Please check back to this site for updates on Emily’s progress.  While Emily and Miles would love to share this information with everyone individually, there is not always time and they are throwing all of their energy into getting her healthy and cancer-free.  They have been so blessed by the outpouring of love and support thus far and know that your support is invaluable in tackling this challenge that life has thrown their way.

Stay tuned for more!